Articles Categorized: Upper School

RAaW Retreat

Friday discussions in the RAaW (Racial Awareness at Waynflete) activity group are built on establishing a deep level of trust, so each year for the past several years, we have been given the opportunity to take an afternoon to do some...

US (needs you) NOW

I think that we can all relate to that feeling of annoyance when a parent or family member asks how your day was - and they genuinely want to know. You get home, hoping to relax or get a start on...

Mapping the Journey

Freshman students have been creating Life Maps for over 10 years now, and they have all turned out quite exceptional.  Eidann Thompson-Brown, a current seminar student, worked on her Life Map for three weeks. “It took a lot of time and...

“Flipping the Classroom” with David Vaughan

Many teachers across the country are experimenting with “flipping” their classes.  In simplest form, in a traditionally structured class, a teacher presents the course material in the classroom, and then students practice what has been presented at home.  In a...

My Experience with Mock Trial

At the beginning of August, I got a package in the mail from school, detailing my schedule and the available activities for the coming year. Being the semi control freak that I am, I made a list of everything I'd...

Staying Connected with Your Teen and Communicating about Substances

We request that all Upper School parents read this article and then complete the survey that is linked here.   When we meet people and they find out that we are high school educators, they will sometimes ask about today’s youth...

Students Really Invest in this Class

It's that time of year again and I don't just mean pumpkins, turkeys, apples, or the opening time of the Maine Mall on November 28th.  I am talking about the intense Upper School fall ritual known as the Stock Market...

Global Perspectives Activity Presents to the Upper School

Global Perspectives is an activity in the Upper School that started five years ago. Modeled from a national community service organization The Empty Bowl Project, students joined the mission for this activity which is centered around the core values of...

Positive Risk Taking?

It is amazing to learn what people carry with them  every day, hidden from view.  In fact, you might never really know until you ask them.  Generally speaking, when the topic of teenagers and risk is raised, it has a...

Electing an Education: Reflections on Nearly Three Decades of Creating Curriculum at Waynflete

Lorry has been teaching English in the Middle and Upper School at Waynflete since 1987, inspiring her students to love literature, training them to read and write and helping them to discover their own voices. After a move to a...

Upper School Students Watch a Texting and Driving Documentary

Given the temptations and dangers of texting and driving to everyone, including young drivers, we decided to show the entire Upper School student body a segment of the documentary on the subject, From One Second to the Next, created by the famous...

GLTR Successfully Hosts First Screening in the Country for Girl Rising

Last Thursday, the Girls Leadership Group celebrated a significant turnout for the screening and discussion of the film Girl Rising- a new film highlighting the tragic fact that 66 million school age girls are out of school worldwide. Many girls,...

Changing the court system to help young offenders

One of the largest and most pressing issues inMaine is the problem of over-incarceration. I believe the solution is criminal justice reform and the reduction of recidivism. Most people interested in such things have heard of “the revolving door,” symbolizing the...

Finding Meaning in Fall

The following editorial appeared in the Waynflete Flyer, the Upper School student newspaper. I find this time of year to be particularly difficult. Fall means my birthday, sweater weather, and the collection of firewood, but it also means dark afternoons,...

Editor’s Perspective

The following editorial appeared in the Waynflete Flyer, the Upper School student newspaper.   As most people probably noticed, there was a photographer on campus on Wednesday. Presumably her pictures of class discussions, frisbee in Waynhenge, and students walking into...

What A Day on the Kennebec With the Class of 2014 Taught Me

I have been thinking a lot about the value of teamwork and how that applies to a broad spectrum of experiences. The genesis of these thoughts was the glorious day I spent riding the Kennebec waves with the senior class...

Multiple Sports Leads to Multiple Benefits for Waynflete Athletes and the School

With a one goal lead just into the second half of a recent game against Class B Gray-New Gloucester, the Flyers needed to take advantage of a free kick from inside the offensive zone.  The two teams had battled evenly...

CSA Volunteers at Twilight in the Park

A traditional honoring, Twilight in the Park is an event sponsored by Hospice of Southern Maine that occurs every year in which people "celebrate life" by lighting a candle for a loved one who has died. The candle is placed inside a...


“It’s not how smart you are that matters; what really counts is HOW you are smart.” Howard Gardner Waynflete is offering a new program for Upper School students which will make academic coaching accessible to anyone wants or needs it....

From the Deadwaters of the Penobscot River to Middle Jo Mary Lake

I stood on a rock at the outlet of Lower Jo Mary Lake, watching Leah Grams and Chloe Williams wrestle with lining their canoe up the last section of the outlet stream. Three of our six boats were already safely...

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